Global Warming... Is it real?

Global Warming is an issue that gained popularity within years. There are several points of view regarding this problem which present different perspectives about this important problem, and that should be considered when having an opinion about the topic:

1) Global Warming is serious and is caused by humans: The millions of tons of gases such as carbon dioxide that humans pump into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels; trap heat, raise the average global temperature, and indirectly cause many negative effects, including floods, storms, and droughts.

2) Media Hysteria: The earth is warming naturally as it overcomes the effects of the Little Ice Age that had plagued the globe until the mid-nineteenth century. Instead, the hysteria over global warming has become a widespread belief, and it has been reinforced by the ignorant media that increases the people's fears.

3) Global Warming is happening but we're not the problem: Geothermal activity and Volcanoes are the cause of the increase in Greenhouse Gasses, which show that they are causing Global Warming.

4) Global Warming will be beneficial: A warmer earth will result in large forests, a decrease in climate-related disasters, increased food production, and a healthier human population.

What do I think?

After considering the different points of view and evaluating the perspectives presented by each of them, I think that global warming may be part of the natural development of earth, although human activities accelerate the process, not letting the earth recover and follow its natural cycle, which may result into a damaging result for the planet.

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