
What is it?
The presence of waste or agent which has increased and reached a point where it can't be managed and harms the environment

Types of pollution...
Point Source: the origin of the pollution can be tracked, they can be measured
Non-Point Source: Cause of pollution cannot be identified

What is pollution management?
Actions for managing pollution from human activity.

Sources of pollution:

Point Source
Non-point Source
Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Discharges for chemical agents and organic matter
agricultural and urban runoff

Industrial Plant Discharges may include metals and chemicals which change water's pH
runoff from mining and construction site
power plants, smelters, industrial and commercial boilers
On road mobile sources like cars and trucks

wood and pulp processors, paper mills, industrial surface coating facilities, refinery and chemical processing operations, and petroleum storage tanks
natural sources such as windstorms and fires
Agricultural Pesticides

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